by Seth Borenstein, The Associated Press
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration hopes to fight global warming with the geeky power of numbers, maps and even gaming-type simulations.
Officials figure the more you know about climate change the more likely you will do something.
“People need to understand what is happening and what is likely to happen,” White House science adviser John Holdren told reporters.
Web access to public climate data
The White House on Wednesday announced an initiative to provide private companies and local governments better access to already public climate data. The idea is that with that localized data they can help the public understand the risks they face, especially in coastal areas where flooding is a big issue.
The government also is working with several high-tech companies, such as Google, Microsoft and Intel, to come up with tools to make communities more resilient in dealing with weather extremes, such as flooding, heat waves and drought. They include computer simulations for people to use and see what would happen with rising seas and other warming scenarios. Also, companies will hold brainstorming sessions with computer programmers aimed at designing new apps on disaster risk.
For example Esri, a company that does geographic information systems, used federal data to show what would happen to New York neighbourhoods if sea level rises by 3 feet — which scientists say is likely by the end of the century. It would displace 780,000 people, Esri CEO Jack Dangermond said.
NASA and the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration will try get people to create simulations to understand flooding risks in an upcoming coastal flooding challenge. One effort would include putting sensors on Philadelphia city buses to collect data to track the effect of climate change.
How global warming effects people
In its second term, the administration has made more of an effort to connect global warming to its effect on people, especially extreme weather and disasters.
“The more people that have information, the harder it is for a few to block action” on climate change, Holdren said in reference to a 2012 North Carolina proposal that would ignore sea level rise from global warming in flood maps.
Illustrated lies are still lies. Catastrophic man-caused “global warming” (CAGW) is a complete lie. Communicating the lie more effectively is still just lying. Yes, the earth is warming a bit, but hell, we just had massive glaciation, not long ago in geologic time, and the earth is not yet into a warm period, we’re still in the last stages of an ice age. The earth has been warmer, in the past, without mankind’s help or hindrance. So it shall be again. The tiny “warming” effects of CO2 in the atmosphere are seen as CO2 concentrations go from none to about 40 PPM, after that, increasing CO2 makes trivial and negligible contributions to warming. Meanwhile, CO2 is enhancing plant growth, to the benefit of us all. There’s a satellite above us that has been measuring the plant growth, and it has been astounding! The earth is being thermostatically regulated by nonlinear emergent weather events (thunderstorms) and will not warm further unless the sun puts out way more.