HALIFAX – Nova Scotia and the United Kingdom have agreed to work together on research aimed at generating electricity from high tides like those in the Bay of Fundy.
Energy Minister Andrew Younger and Corin Robertson, the acting British deputy high commissioner to Canada, announced a memorandum of understanding today in Halifax.
Under the agreement, the Offshore Energy Research Association of Nova Scotia and the United Kingdom’s Technology and Strategy Board will each contribute $250,000 towards research.
Younger says the agreement will increase the province’s research capacity and create business opportunities in Nova Scotia and the U.K.
The agreement will also result in joint proposals being issued for research projects in both Canada and the U.K.
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This is news? The Nova Scotia gov’t has been flogging this political mule for years. Dangling “jobs, jobs, jobs” in front of the electorate ad nauseum.
Tidal Power has been researched, tested, and attempted in the Bay of Fundy several times over the past 40 years.
If the current technology to generate power via turbines isn’t profitable in the Bay of Fundy( some of the highest tides in the world).
The provincial gov’t should walk away from another taxpayer financed boondoggle.
If there is a profitable venture somewhere in the future of tidal power I’m sure the private sector can raise the funds, develop the technology and earn a profit.
All without taxpayers getting financially involved.
We don’t want it in the Bay of Fundy !
Canada wants to go Solar !
& we can use Bio-fuel for vehicles, machines, etc
Leave the Oceans & the Fish alone !
We have an Endangered At Risk species here … the Wild Atlantic Salmon !
& more !
The Bay of Fundy & surrounding area such as Scotts Bay & Cape Split should be designated a World Heritage Site & Protected .
NIMBY activism rearing it’s head again I see…………..