VANCOUVER – Opponents of any increase in oil tankers off the B.C. coast are marking the 25th anniversary of the Exxon Valdez oil spill by launching a renewed campaign against two major pipeline projects.
Coastal First Nations are running newspaper and radio ads about the impacts they fear from oil spills at sea from Enbridge’s (TSX:ENB) Northern Gateway and Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipelines.
The coalition of aboriginal communities along the B.C. coast are asking residents to support a ban on oil tankers in their traditional territories.
The Sierra Club says Prince William Sound on the Alaska coast has still not recovered from Exxon Valdez spill on March 24th, 1989.
The two projects proposed in B.C. would mean more than 600 additional tankers a year transporting diluted bitumen from the Pacific coast to Asia.
A federal review panel has recommended approval of the Northern Gateway after finding that a large oil spill would not cause permanent damage, and a decision is expected from the federal government in June.