At a recent event in Vancouver, biologist and Peace Valley Environment
Association representative Diane Culling discussed the enormous
consequences of the proposed Site C Dam – including the flooding of
prime farmland at a time when the province faces major food security
challenges. Culling also pointed out that much of the electricity
generated from the project would go to fueling destructive shale gas
development in northeast BC, and, by extension, the Alberta Tar Sands. (3 min)

The dirty Alberta tar sands, is an abomination on the face of Canada. That is the dirtiest energy in the world.
The thought of site C dam, flooding the most valuable farmland in this country, makes me boil. In a growing shortage of food around the globe, what kinds of fools, would flood farmlands? Harper and Campbell are those greedy fools Yes, we are paying Harper, Campbell and China, to thieve our farmland from us,
China bought a huge chunk of the dirty tar sands. Harper and Campbell have very close ties with China. You may remember, the CSIS said, there are politicians that are too cozy with China. Harper and Campbell, deserve to be tried for treason. They are willfully and knowingly, destroying our province, all in the name of greed.
The site C dam, was forced onto the BC citizens by Campbell. BC people know Campbell works for Harper. They have been plotting, the theft and destruction of BC, for many years.
The fertile farmland in the Fraser Valley, is being eroded by urban sprawl. For the wealthy, greed always trumps common sense.
Man is the most destructive animal on earth, and the most stupid animal, at that.
Thank you Diane for making it blindingly clear what Site C will cost BC citizens in lost food procduction capacity.
It possibly does not occur to your audiance that besides this terrible consequence, every BC citizen will be guarranteeing the debt to build this dam and associated transmission lines. In different words we all get to guarrantee the financial obligations of a generation facility we have zero need for in the next 50 years or more.
The Site C proposal is just one more example of the public shouldering a financial burden for private business interests, with a handful of temporary jobs being the payback.