Joe Foy on Why We Don’t Need Site C Dam


At a recent event in Vancouver, the Wilderness Committee’s Joe Foy picked apart the BC Liberal Government’s faulty case for Site C Dam – discussing better alternatives to power our future needs and the enormous cost of a dam whose real purpose is to subsidize shale gas and coal mines. In his inimitable style, Joe makes it clear that the province’s ratepayers and taxpayers are being tricked into paying over $8 Billion for a dam they don’t need – with enormous impacts on the environment, our food security and First Nations’ traditional territory.


About Damien Gillis

Damien Gillis is a Vancouver-based documentary filmmaker with a focus on environmental and social justice issues - especially relating to water, energy, and saving Canada's wild salmon - working with many environmental organizations in BC and around the world. He is the co-founder, along with Rafe Mair, of The Common Sense Canadian, and a board member of both the BC Environmental Network and the Haig-Brown Institute.

5 thoughts on “Joe Foy on Why We Don’t Need Site C Dam

  1. You only need to click submit once, Linda. Try copying the comment and refreshing the page to verify it was successfully posted – if not, then you can repaste and resubmit the comment, but you shouldn’t need to. We’re not aware of any issues with the anti-spam system. I’ve removed your duplicated comment.

  2. What is going on with the anti-spam. The first one was rejected. I had to enter again. Then my post, was doubled? What am I doing wrong?

  3. We knew Campbell was lying about the purpose of, the site C dam. BC didn’t need it, but, the Alberta dirty tar sands does. Harper and Campbell are pure greed. They have been working for the dirty tar sands for a very long time.

    Harper and Campbell have very close ties with China. China bought a large chunk of the dirty tar sands. Harper intends to force the Enbridge pipeline and the dirty Chinese oil tankers, onto BC and the people. You may remember, the CSIS said, some politicians, were a little too cozy with China? Well, guess who? What kinds of fools, will destroy valuable farmland? Harper and Campbell are those same very greedy fools.

    The run of the rivers, is causing serious eco damage, and our hydro, is going up 53%. Campbell should be strung up by the heels, for the damaged rivers, and his theft and corrupt sale of the BCR.

    Wikileaks has said, the N.A.U. is just around the corner. We own none of our resources. The giant corporations own them all. Harper and Campbell stripped BC of, all of our assets. Harper has given our country away. The N.A.U. was Harper and Campbell’s evil agenda’s all along.

  4. We knew Campbell was lying about the purpose of, the site C dam. BC didn’t need it, but, the Alberta dirty tar sands does. Harper and Campbell are pure greed. They have been working for the dirty tar sands for a very long time.

    Harper and Campbell have very close ties with China. China bought a large chunk of the dirty tar sands. Harper intends to force the Enbridge pipeline and the dirty Chinese oil tankers, onto BC and the people. You may remember, the CSIS said, some politicians, were a little too cozy with China? Well, guess who? What kinds of fools, will destroy valuable farmland? Harper and Campbell are those same very greedy fools.

    The run of the rivers, is causing serious eco damage, and our hydro, is going up 53%. Campbell should be strung up by the heels, for the damaged rivers, and his theft and corrupt sale of the BCR.

    Wikileaks has said, the N.A.U. is just around the corner. We own none of our resources. The giant corporations own them all. Harper and Campbell stripped BC of, all of our assets. Harper has given our country away. The N.A.U. was Harper and Campbell’s evil agenda’s all along.

  5. Thank you Joe for making this sadly correct representation of the Site C and what BC Hydro is about.
    For those wishing independent evidence of the accuaracy of this representation please Google “Quebec Hydro” and select the electricity rates comparison report. You will read how over the period, starting in 2006 when BC had the lowest electricity rates in the whole of North America,we are now in fouth place and fast slipping from even that postion. This is a clear demonstration of how your government deliberately sabotaged and squandered the most important industrial and quality of life advantage we had in BC.

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