Article with audio clip from Deconstructing Dinner on Kootenay Co-op Radio, including Craig Orr, Alexandra Morton, Dr. Larry Dill, and Fin Donnelly. Read and listen
Tag Archives: Audio
Early Edition for June 7
Rafe Mair discusses Clean Energy Act and HST with Rick Cluff and Moe Sihota and Erin Chutter on CBC Radio’s Early Edition, Listen to MP3

Damien talks Salmon Migration and Common Sense Canadian on CJSF Radio

Damien Gillis on May 8 Salmon Rally in Victoria – Vancouver Co-op Radio
Damien Gillis reports from Duncan, BC on the final leg of the historic “Get Out Migration” walk for wild salmon as it rolls into Victoria for a final rally on May 8. For more details on the rally and Migration go to

Audio: Damien Gillis with John Werring on Turning Fish Lake Into Toxic Tailing Pond
Listen to full 23 min discussion – including turning Fish Lake into a dump for a proposed mine, and larger issues of water quality and aquatic policy in Canada. John Werring is the head salmon biologist for the David Suzuki Foundation.
Listen to 6 min highlight clip.
Story by Rafe Mair: Fish Lake: A battle worth fighting

AUDIO: Alex Morton Speaks to Damien Gillis About Walk for Wild Salmon
Damien Gillis guest hosted Vancouver Co-op Radio this morning and discussed with Alexandra Morton her upcoming “Get Out Migration.” The biologist and long-time critic of open net salmon farms and their impacts on BC’s wild salmon kicks off her historic march down Vancouver Island next week on Earth Day. Morton discussed the growing public movement to save wild salmon – and growing list of events planned along the migration.

Audio: Rafe and Damien on Sean Holman’s Victoria show
Co-founders of Rafe Mair and Damien Gillis joined Sean Holman of Public Eye Online on his Sunday CFAX radio program. The pair discussed a range of topics, including their new site, the state of the media today, and key environmental stories in BC – including fish farms and the plan to turn Fish Lake into a toxic dump for mining.