A number of citizens and organizations – including the BC Public
Interest Advocacy Centre and the Clean Energy Foundation – gathered
recently in Vancouver at the headquarters of BC Hydro to speak out
against BC Liberal government’s Billion-dollar smart meter program.
Criticism of smart meters ranges from concerns over expense to taxpayers
and ratepayers to serious health threats from electromagnetic radiation.
Here are some highlights from the event. To learn more about what you can do, see Citizens for Safe Technology’s Smart Meter Action Kit.

There are sufficient undisputed experts telling us that wireless technology is incredibly UNsafe, so to say otherwise is empty posturing.
And actually, NO I did not sign a contract agreeing that I would allow Hydro to install an unsafe cancer-causing, illegal surveillance device on or near my home. Did anyone here sign something like that? Right.
Sorry, I usually support issues in this journal but this borders on outright lies…there is no health hazard, the power the meters emit is so low as to be laughable when someone tries to use that as an argument…Hydro doesn’t have the infrastructure capability to even monitor our consumption yet….they have every legal right to change out their meter…read your hydro application that you signed when you started service…
We need to take back our “POWER” in BC ,These smart meters are a violation of our human rights HYDRO WILL NOT GET NEAR MY HOME!