Rafe on Liberals’ Delusional LNG Scheme


Don’t eat that, Elmer. Them’s horse buns! The BC Liberal Government’s speech from the throne on February 12 – which hinged on promises of a $100 Billion windfall from BC’s heretofore nonexistent Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) industry – was an appalling attempt to divert attention away from reality with pie in a distant sky. This government … Continue reading Rafe on Liberals’ Delusional LNG Scheme


Rafe: Take Clark’s disingenuous Enbridge ‘No’ with a pound of salt


Here are three things to remember about Premier Clark and the Enbridge pipeline: 1. She did not reject the pipeline – she simply said that Enbridge had not met BC’s conditions. 2. She has, simply said “we want money”, which reminds me of the old chestnut where a man invites a lady to bed offering her $25,000 … Continue reading Rafe: Take Clark’s disingenuous Enbridge ‘No’ with a pound of salt


Site C Dam: A $10 Billion Taxpayer Subsidy for LNG, Fracking


Premier Christy Clark wants BC citizens to subsidize the oil and gas industry with a $10 Billion taxpayer-funded dam. Though she won’t put it quite like that, that’s precisely the implication of the policies she’s promoting in the run-up to May’s provincial election. Clark confirmed her vision for powering a new, much-ballyhooed Liquified Natural Gas … Continue reading Site C Dam: A $10 Billion Taxpayer Subsidy for LNG, Fracking


Clark & Redford: What their cozy relationship means for BC pipelines


I have some questions for Premier Clark. Premier, I’m a simple man who by nature asks simple questions. You and Alberta premier Redford have evidently agreed that there will be a pipeline from her province through ours to the sea and that BC will make some money out of this deal. Is this the end … Continue reading Clark & Redford: What their cozy relationship means for BC pipelines

Water Contamination from Fracking- Jessica Ernst Releases Groundbreaking Report

Water Contamination from Fracking: Jessica Ernst Releases Groundbreaking Report


Jessica Ernst, a high-profile, Alberta-based environmental consultant, has released a comprehensive summary of science, facts and documents relating to groundwater contamination from the controversial practice of natural gas hydraulic fracturing (fracking). The culmination of ten years of research, the 93-page report is sure to cause a stir with the energy sector and its critics. Groundwater contamination has been a … Continue reading Water Contamination from Fracking: Jessica Ernst Releases Groundbreaking Report
