The Heiltsuk First Nation learned late Monday that scheduled National Energy Board hearings on the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline will resume Tuesday in Bella Bella, following their cancellation Monday in the wake of a peaceful demonstration to which the Joint Review Panel overreacted. Heiltsuk Chief Marilyn Slett is, however, concerned that the panel will not be adding extra hearing days to make up for Monday’s lost testimony time. Meanwhile, students from the community embarked on a hunger strike to protest proposed oil supertankers which threaten their traditional marine food resources.

Good for the Heiltsuk students.
There are over 80% of the BC citizens, supporting the F.N. to keep the atrocities of the Enbridge pipeline and the dirty tar tankers, out of our province.
Not even once have I heard, Harper nor anyone of them trying to force the pipeline through, say one word about the F.N. food sources being under threat.
It’s the same as the Appawapiskat F.N. people. They should sue Harper, for crimes against humanity.
Harper has not one concern for the F.N. His negligence is obvious. Harper has no right, to cross over F.N. rivers, streams and lands. It’s bad enough, the Salmon are being killed off, by filthy diseased fish farms. The F.N. are entitled to their, fishing spots and their hunting grounds. They are entitled, to have safe clean drinking water.
I can think of the perfect name to call Harper…it’s just not printable.
Just watched the National video. The anchorman claims in the first sentence that it was the protestors who delayed the hearings when in actual fact it was a decision made by the panel members.
Unable to see any threatening people in the video at all. I believe what the panel members are afraid of is their own shadows, or perhaps their massive egos which will not permit them to tolerate any challenging questions or dissent.
So they have to blame someone for their unsuccessful endeavour. After all, they cannot be held responsible for anything….. correct?
amazing people, insipring unified community. thank you to the youth for showing such leadership and spirit and for protecting their heritage.
Thanks Damian for keeping the record straight.
Check out the story on the National last night:
The Heiltsuk youth are an inspiration – the heart of this resistance 🙂
fabulous report!
smart and brave students!!