Times-Colonist: Infectious Salmon Anemia Here in BC!


Read this astonishing editorial by DC Reid in the Times-Colonist, suggesting recently release fish farm disease records show deadly Infectious Salmon Anemia has reached the Pacific Coast of Canada.

“The worst possible thing that could happen to Pacific salmon has
happened: Norwegian, Atlantic Ocean ISA virus that has wiped out every
fish farm country in the world has been brought to the Pacific Ocean
where there was no ISA – until it was brought to Chile and now B.C. There
is only one solution: Get fish farms out of the water immediately and
onto land where they can infect nothing other than themselves. The best
data are the province’s. After seeking to keep them secret, Christy
Clark’s government relented. See: www.catchsalmonbc.com.

You will be staggered by how many hundreds of times HEM (interstitial
haemorrhage) and SSC (sinusoidal congestion) were found in fish farm
Atlantic salmon. These are the classic symptoms of ISA that wiped out
500 farms in Chile, resulting in a $2-billion loss. ISA in Norway is so
entrenched it has never been completely wiped out. Scotland looks on the
edge of a disease meltdown. And over the last six months Chilean farms
sequenced for ISA have grown to 23, suggesting another cyclic infectious
disaster soon.”
