Tag Archives: Mark Hume

Cohen commission: Brain lesions linked to sockeye decline


After the dramatic collapse of sockeye salmon stocks in the Fraser River
last year, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans quickly identified
the three “most likely” causes – including a mysterious disease that
causes brain lesions in fish. Read more of Mark Hume’s Globe & Mail article here


Fraser River system revived by biggest sockeye salmon run in nearly 100 years


Article by Mark Hume in the Globe and Mail.

Jim Cooperman, President of the Shuswap Environmental Action Society: “There aren’t many places where you can see a mass migration. There’s wildebeest in East Africa, monarch butterflies [in Mexico], there’s the caribou migration in the Arctic, but other than that there aren’t too many places that are comparable.

“The Adams is a natural wonder, a treasure, and we should really be treating the salmon better.”

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