From The Northshore News – Jan 5, 2011
By Elizabeth James
“The important thing is to never stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”
Physicist Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
Einstein, of course, is most famously known as the proponent of his
theory of relativity, a subject about which I am woefully ignorant. So
when I was asked for a name for this space, I had no idea he and I
would have seen eye-to-eye on the need for endless questions and
So, on the understanding that I may never receive an
answer, or that the answers I do receive may not always be the truth,
this column is written according to the Chinese proverb: She who asks
may be a fool for an hour, but she who does not ask will remain a fool
The first and overriding question is this:
than the B.C. Liberal government, what connection could there be
between: fish-farms; independent power producers (IPPs); BC Hydro; the
construction of the Site C dam in Northern B.C., Alberta tar sands and
the Enbridge pipeline; and, the sale of B.C. Rail to CN?