How the Campbell/Clark Liberals Brought Real Lying into BC Politics


I have been in politics or commenting on them (same thing) back to the days of WAC Bennett. My first published piece was a criticism of Bennett’s position on the failed (thankfully) Victoria Charter.
During that time I’ve seen plenty of gilding the lily, massaging of the truth, opinions presented as truth – in fact the things we all do ourselves – yet I’ve seen very little actual lying, deliberate untruths. When we would hear, say, a premier making a statement which the Opposition Leader says is untrue, that was a difference of opinion. I must admit that some opinions come perilously close to falsehoods but it was not until the Campbell government that we saw a government whose basic political strategy has been to lie. Not just puff up a story, slide over the troublesome bits – but outright lie.
I make that statement after considerable thought because it’s the worst behaviour possible in government.
I’m going to give examples.
With the Campbell government, it started early with fish farms and persists to this day. Campbell and his then most unsatisfactory Minister of Agriculture, Food and Fish, John Van Dongen pursued their disastrous policy saying that the science was all with them. This wasn’t a mistake or a bit of government flatulence – it was untrue and the government knew that; in short it was a lie.
In two election campaigns Campbell promised he would never privatize BC Rail yet after he won office he did just that and, it must be noted, lied like a dog when he called it a fair process. We lost our railroad and were left with a hugely expensive lawsuit in the bargain.
The government, through the mouth of then Finance Minister Hansen, got serious with deliberate untruths with their Energy Policy. These statements are based on a transcript of a youtube video Hansen made during the 2009 provincial election campaign:
Colin Hansen: “I think, first of all, that we have to recognize that British Columbia is a net importer of electricity. We seem to think that, with all the tremendous hydro electric generating capacity we have, that we are a huge exporter. Well, we do export some, but we are a net importer…”
This is unquestionably and demonstrably FALSE as the records of the National Energy Board and StatsCan prove. The province of BC over the past decade has been more often than not a net exporter electricity.
Hansen (cont’d.): “…from Washington State, which largely produces their electricity from dirty coal, and also from Alberta, which uses a lot of natural gas in their electricity production. So I think it’s incumbent on British Columbia to develop its own source of needed electricity. And quite frankly, the independent power projects are the best source of that…”
Unquestionably and demonstrably FALSE. Even if we did need more energy, because private river diversion projects produce most of their power during the spring run-off when BC Hydro has plenty of electricity, their energy would be of little if any impact on our energy needs.
Hansen (cont’d.): “…where we can encourage small companies…”
Unquestionably and demonstrably FALSE – unless Mr. Hansen considers General Electric, Ledcor and the DuPont family small. The companies involved are huge, largely foreign corporations.
Hansen (cont’d.): “…to build small scale hydroelectric projects that are run-of-the-river, and what that means is, instead of having a big reservoir, a big dam that backs water up, and creates a great big lake, these are run of the river, so the river continues to flow at its normal [pace] but we capture some of the energy in the form of hydroelectric power from this.”
Unquestionably and demonstrably AND EGREGIOUSLY FALSE. All these rivers are dammed and/or diverted, often using long tunnels and pipes and leave only traces of the original river in the river bed throughout the diversion stretch. The sheer scale of some of these projects and all the roads and transmission lines involved gives them an enormous ecological footprint.
Hansen (cont’d.): Again, from the perspective of some of the opposition, they would have you believe that every single river in British Columbia is being impacted. In reality, it is .03% of the rivers in British Columbia that could sustain any kind of hydroelectric activity, are being used for these independent power projects.”
Unquestionably and demonstrably FALSE. In fact it’s double that amount but this is a numbers game. The fact is over 600 river systems (with over 800 individual diversion applications) and the ecologies they support are at risk.
Hansen (cont’d.):  “So, it’s being widely supported by many of the leading environmentalists, because it’s clean and sustainable. It’s also being supported by many of the First Nations communities in the province. So, I think that we have to look behind the scenes on this, and really question who is funding the opposition, and clearly they have their own agenda, and in my view, it’s not a responsible environmental agenda.”
Misleading at best and you should judge the matter with these facts in mind:

  1. Some of the key opponents (apart from the NDP), have been  the Wilderness Committee, Save Our Rivers Society, and now our organization, The Common Sense Canadian. Speaking for The Common Sense Canadian, it  has no institutional funding (corporations, Labour or otherwise).
  2. Who is or is not an environmentalist is a matter of choice but here are the ecologists, biologists and academics upon whom we rely: Dr. William E. Rees, Dr. John Calvert, Dr. Craig Orr, Dr. Michael Byers, Dr. Marvin Rosenau, Dr. Gordon F. Hartman, Dr. Marvin Shaffer, Dr. Elaine Golds, Dr. Michael M’Gonigle, Rex Weyler, Wendy Holm and Otto Langer.

We have, then, an Energy Policy based on a tissue of lies – not mistakes.

Perhaps the biggest lie of all is that BC Hydro is in good shape when our independent economist, Erik Andersen – a conservative-minded fellow with decades of experience working for the federal government and the transportation industry, I might add – says that if BC Hydro were in the private sector it would be headed for bankruptcy. The only reason it’s not is its ability to soak its customers – me and thee – with increasingly higher power bills to keep itself afloat.

In the election of 2009 Hansen and Campbell stated clearly that the budget of the past April was a statement of the true financial situation. Then, with the election safely behind them, they admitted that the budget was way out of whack but they didn’t know it until, conveniently, the election was over.

I’ve been there and I can tell you that the Finance Minister knew the province was in financial doo doo. For Hansen and Campbell to say that they didn’t have the evidence of falling tax revenues – the sales tax and stumpage are reliable barometers of the truth – is like a man standing across the road from a burning building with people jumping out windows saying he didn’t notice a thing because he was busy reading his paper.
The same scenario prevailed with the HST as Campbell and Hansen announced the HST after the election saying that it “wasn’t even on the radar screen” during the campaign, whereas it transpired that Hansen had received a detailed analysis from his ministry long before the election, which told him the HST would be a big mistake. Again, Hansen was apparently reading his newspaper across from the burning building.
There we have it – the government now led my Premier Clark won three elections by lying to the people.
The Common Sense Canadian will be doing a great deal in the days to come on Site “C” and we will, I assure you, be exposing interesting facts on the need (or lack thereof) for this mega-project; the costs, and what it means for the environment.
The plain facts are that the Campbell/Clark government has lied and thus fooled us in three elections.
If they do it again, we will get what we deserve and future generations will inherit the consequences of our shame.


About Rafe Mair

Rafe Mair, LL.B, LL.D (Hon) a B.C. MLA 1975 to 1981, was Minister of Environment from late 1978 through 1979. In 1981 he left politics for Talk Radio becoming recognized as one of B.C.'s pre-eminent journalists. An avid fly fisherman, he took a special interest in Atlantic salmon farms and private power projects as environmental calamities and became a powerful voice in opposition to them. Rafe is the co-founder of The Common Sense Canadian and writes a regular blog at

10 thoughts on “How the Campbell/Clark Liberals Brought Real Lying into BC Politics

  1. Rafe: There are many instances where technology has caused harm to the environment because we have not thought the impacts through fully enough. Some glaring examples are acid rain, holes in the ozone layer, air pollution, and climate change. We need to fully think new technology through before we do something to avoid unwittingly creating disasters down the road.

    Pristine rivers are ecosystems with energy inputs and output and are in balance after thousands of years of functioning.

    Now suppose we put a small run of river power station on the river. Ignoring environmental damage during the construction and operation of the power station, we are extracting energy from the ecosystem. This must upset the energy balance of the ecosystem. I don’t think anybody has thought about what this will do in the long term. I would like to see more research and discussion on this before we get in too deep.

    This comment would apply to large projects as well.

  2. When our government tells deliberate lies to gain power, surely that is a breach of contract or some such thing! Isn,t there a legal procedure to protect the electorate from that sort of thing? There should be. If I do such a thing in my working life I would be fired.

  3. so here’s the question no one’s answered….what punishment is there for politicians in such a huge position of trust and power who outright lie???…..I mean these things they’ve done are absolutely criminal and should not go unchecked…what’s to deter or stop the next politician if nothing bad is going to happen?…it doesn’t make sense…..can’t we as a people take a politician to court for outright lying?….could we do it if we get enough people to sign a petition….say about a hundred thousand or so….probably only take an afternoon or two to get them…..and although I’m truly a peaceful person….I really don’t think a bit of time behind bars would be such a bad thing in these cases:)….and think of all the great new jokes and cartoons we’d have!!….that’s enough reason right there!….yeah…go ahead…sign me up for sure!
    Still hopeful on Quadra:)

  4. This is a comment on the Site “C” project

    I lived in the Peace River District for almost 30 Years. I spent time on the Peace River in canoes and boats. When the river goes down at nights and on weekends you ask questions. One question, (to a BC Hydro manager) why does the river go down at night and on weekends? Answer. Because Alberta needs to run their electrical generators always they provide power at reduced rates to BC Hydro who can then shut their generators down. Shut down generators cause fluctuation in river levels. Usage then from BC Dams goes down at night and weekends. Is this what they call net importing? (Coal and Natural Gas fired plants need to run at all time because of long start up and shut down times) How can BC Hydro claim a shortage in supply when it seems that the shortage always happens at the these times.

    I wish that someone would be able to investigate BC Hydro’s claim that their is an actual shortage and not just a claim made by a group with an agenda to build more dams.

    I believe the the Site “C” project is unnecessary and should not go ahead.

  5. Rafe, there is not question that the IPP run of river projects are an abolute disgrace. But having said that, I believe that Site C should go ahead, in fact, it should have been built back in the ’60s immediately following WAC Bennet Dam.

  6. Christy Clark has learned from some of the best when it comes to lying. Last week, a BC Government media release followed by stories in the media, said the Liberals rtalked to just over 275,000 people from their HST town hall telephone meetings. Then last week while in the Comox Valley, Christy addressing a business group said “we talked to over 300,000 people” during the HST Telephone meetings. First of all I don’t believe either number & we will never know the truth on that. But what really gets me is how Christy continues to lie over & over..and when the media does question her (which is very rare) she always say’s ” I must have made a mistake”. I read an article once that she lied about BC Ferries (prior to re-entering politics) and was caught by a listener who filed a complaint with the CRTC. She was forced to retract her statement. I suggest to your readers, keep track of her lies and then post them when her naive followers praise her.

    Guy in Vic

  7. The photo’s of the, run of the rivers, are absolutely horrid. The eco damage is obvious. This disrupts fish. This disrupts the wildlife that uses those rivers. Wildlife are creatures of habit. They have their own pathways to get to the rivers to drink. They can’t read, road closed, go to the next river for water.

    If there were ever two idiots and liars born, it has to be Campbell and Hansen, and we can throw Harper into the mix as well. The asinine Enbridge pipeline and the dirty oil tankers from China.

    Enbridge has the worst record of pipeline spills. Between 1990-2005 Alberta has had, 5000 oil spills. And, many spills are not recorded.

    Alberta has just had another spill, which has leeched into the underground, clean drinking water. First Nations children, were made so sick, because of that spill, they can’t return to their school.

    There has been nothing other from Campbell, Hansen and the BC Liberals than…Lies deceit, corruption, thefts, criminal charges. Nothing has changed either.

    There is nothing in BC, that isn’t corrupt. Disgraceful and shameful.

  8. Thank you Rafe for calling it the way it is!

    I know you have been challenged for your support of “Bennett the Lessor”, but you have been persistent in your attempts to address the wrongs of both the past and present. Keep up your efforts because your voice is not in the wilderness.

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