Fraser Institue Took Half Million in Foreign “Charitable” Funding from US Oil Billionaire Koch Brothers


Read this story from the Vancouver Observer, revealing that the Texas oil billionaire Koch Brothers have given some $500,000 in charitable funding to the BC-based ultra-right wing Fraser Institute – which has been a supporter of the oil industry and climate change denial campaign. (April 25, 2012)

As the Conservative assault continues against Canadian environmental charities, the Vancouver Observer has learned that since 2007, foreign oil billionaires the Koch brothers have donated over half a million dollars to the “charitable” right-wing Fraser Institute.

According to U.S. tax documents, the Fraser Institute received $150,000 from the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation in 2008, $175,500 in 2009, and another $150,000 in 2010. The grants were purportedly for “research support” and “educational programs”.

Prior to 2008, the Institute received another $25,000 in funding from the Claude R. Lambe Foundation, which is under the umbrella of Koch Family Foundations.

It has long been known that the ultra-conservative Koch Brothers have been donors for the conservative policy think-tank—though this information is not listed the Institute’s Annual Reports—however, the extent of their funding in the past few years demonstrates the foundation’s more recent influence in Canadian politics.

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