Did Prime Minister Harper threaten Tides Canada with “consequences” if they didn’t stop funding supporting campaigns – specifically that of ForestEthics – against the Enbridge Pipeline project?
ForestEthics says so, which is enough to have all Canadians, no matter what their stance on this issue or others, demand the Prime Minister make it clear that all Canadians, subject to the Criminal Code of Canada, have a constitutional right to say what they please on all issues, big and small – without consequences.
I have had experience with this. Back in 1992, when the Mulroney government was shoving the Charlottetown Accord at us, I was one of a very few people in the media that was opposed and said so with a passion.
One day my “mole” in the Conservative caucus – and at the same time a national media person – told me that Mulroney was going to retaliate against me by having me face a tax audit. I went on the air the following morning and reported this on the hope that this would discourage such a threat. Whether it worked or not I cannot say – I can say that no such audit was ordered.
The information I was given may not have been accurate but the sources were such that I felt very vulnerable.
(Before going on let me say that in those days I was making a lot of money from different places and had one of Canada’s best tax accountants, Russ Wilson, handling my affairs, as he still does. As with anyone making that kind of money there are always “grey” areas so that a tax audit could simply stop you cold in whatever you were doing until their audit was over. Ask any small business person what that kind of interruption can do…These days, an old man, I make very little money, have no pensions other than OAP and CPP, and we travel on our kids’ inheritance, so I’m not much of a legitimate target.)
I raise this issue because there is no end of ways a government can hassle you with “consequences” but this is a very effective one.
The “consequences” Tides Canada would pay, as I understand, would be taking away their charitable tax status, and by extension, their ability to support other environmental organizations and their own affiliate groups like ForestEthics. In the environmental field there are a number of very competent active and effective groups who have such an exemption, without which they simply couldn’t function.
The government doesn’t have to take away the exemption – all they have to do is threaten to do so, “or else”.
Let me be clear: I do not say that this will become Mr Harper’s way of shutting us all up. I have no evidence to support such an allegation other than the Tides/ForestEthics matter.
What I do say is that this sort of tactic has been used before – in the Richard Nixon days it was common.
What I also say is that the pipelines/tankers issue is shaping up to be a huge fight with the Harper Government, the oil and tanker businesses and most of the business community lined up against ordinary citizens and distinctly unwealthy environmental groups and spokespeople.
We who stand resolutely against the ruination of our environment also have the mainstream media against us. It’s a daunting task yet what I read and hear every day is support from ordinary, decent British Columbians who are undaunted by this huge array of corporate and government power.
The collision between Mr. Harper and the people of British Columbia is being made more certain by every assurance the PM gives to companies and governments that the gunk from the Tar Sands will be available to them. Every utterance from him and his Resources Minister Joe Oliver makes it clear that environmental hearings are nothing more than a nuisance and should be cast aside so we “can get on with it”.
I have left the biggest issue to the last: First Nations. The federal government has many financial arrangements with First Nations. Will there be “consequences” for the 131 Chiefs who oppose the pipeline/tanker plan from the heart; from the depths of their long heritage?
We are en route to a very serious collision and the purpose of this article is twofold: warn the public about how governments in the past have fought issues and demand from Prime Minister Harper that he state clearly and unequivocally that dissent on this or any other issue will not come “with consequences” from him and/or the federal government.
If we cannot have that assurance, look for serious consequences for people who put their environment, their treasures, the very soul of this province ahead of ruining it by people outside our province, who don’t give a fiddler’s fart for our feelings about our land and rivers and flora.
We are listening, listening very hard Mr Harper, for your clear unequivocal statement that we can oppose your plans without “consequences”.

I did a protest photoshoot against the tar sands, pipeline and fossel fuels on saturday just past…. I posted a sample photograph from the shoot on my blog: http://theartofapril-anna.blogspot.com/2012/02/teaser-please-dont-spoil.html
The photoshoot will be turned into a stopmotion animation when I am finished editing.
I did a photoshoot on saturday that will become a stopmotion animation; the theme of the photoshoot is a protest against the tar sands, fossel fuels, pipeline, enbridge, super tankers et cetera…. This is a link to my blog that has a sample photograph from the shoot:
Here we go again, it does not matter what the average Candian thinks or want, the prevailing gournment does as they want. Harper is shaping up to be another Molroney. When are elected officials going to recognize that they are elected to REPRESENT
the people, not to impose their own agenda. I for one am sick to pay trough the nose for those guys to feahter their eggs nest. I agree to withhold tax payment, but they gladly put you out of business by freezing your bank account and all that. IS THERE SOMEONE OUT THERE THAT ACTUALLLY CARES ABOUT THE MAN ON THE STREET, THAT DOES WHAT HE SAYS. OR ARE THEY ALL IN THE BUSINESS OF LOOKING OUT FOR THEMSELF???????
enter your message here…
Rafe, I applaud your work on this, but I don’t think it matters a fiddler’s fart as you put it, what Harper says publicly. He will say what it is expedient to say in public while continuing the pattern of abuse of power and contempt for democracy he and his ministers have exhibited from the start.
Harper is starting to slide down in the polls. Harper went to Durban, to bully other country’s into accepting the dirty tar oil. Then in Davos he practically told other country’s, he was much more intelligent than they were… because of,…Canada’s good standing in this recession. It was another P.M. who saved Canada’s butt, not Harper. At the meetings of the Nations, Harper always manages to anger every country present. He acted a total fool in Copenhagen as well. Even the U.N. would not give Harper a seat. Bullying, hissy fits and being a p.i.t.a. are only put up with, for so long.
I think the only friend Harper has left, is China. It was Fadden of CSIS who warned. China is encroaching far too much into Canada. However, Harper insists in giving the dirty tar resources to China, on a silver platter. This has angered the U.S. China is crowding the Philippine islands. China wants those resources. The Philippines want Obama to arm them, to protect those resources, against China. Russia and China support Iran. Which master will Harper serve. The U.S. or China?
Canada has now lost the caterpillar jobs. The U.S. is taking that company, back to the U.S.
Interesting comment from Photo Op Clark
“British Columbia’s coast does not just belong to British Columbia,” Clark said. “It belongs to Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba Quebec, Ontario and the Atlantic provinces. And it’s essential that our ports and our infrastructure all across the west are functioning as well as they possibly can, because that’s what allows trade to flow outside our country and that’s what puts people to work.”
So does that mean the Tar Sands also belong to all Canadians? In that case maybe we should have a national referendum on how and how soon we should be exploiting this resource and for who’s benefit. Or maybe Photo op was just feeling generous with other people’s resources.
those who live on the path of the pipeline have the ethical right to protect their part of the world. Everyone wants something from it, and few are giving anything back. Many towns across northern BC have large majorities of quietly vocal people against this pipeline, but when Harper okays the Enbrdge bulldozers, they’ll have to run over thousands of dedicated people. I certainly predict that Harper will have to call in the army, air-force and navy to stop all those against this pipeline, and it will be a very nasty battle. How much blood will run is at this point pure speculation. But it will be a protest the likes of Canada has never seen before.
those who live on the path of the pipeline have the ethical right to protect their part of the world. Everyone wants something from it, and few are giving anything back. Many towns across northern BC have large majorities of quietly vocal people against this pipeline, but when Harper okays the Enbrdge bulldozers, they’ll have to run over thousands of dedicated people. I certainly predict that Harper will have to call in the army, air-force and navy to stop all those against this pipeline, and it will be a very nasty battle. How much blood will run is at this point pure speculation. But it will be a protest the likes of Canada has never seen before.
.Unfortunately, we who stand in solidarity with you re the Enbridge agenda all face consequences brought down on us by the idiots who elected Emperor Steve in the first place, and who are more than willing to forego the environmental disaster that would be our West Coast, not to mention the damage the pipeline itself would cause, if only they can make a few zillion dollars…
I’m wondering, now that the US and China are once again trading barbs, will Steve feel sufficiently independent from our cousins to the South to continue to do whatever he can to accommodate the Chinese interests in the tar sands?
Thanks Cheena,
I had always hoped to underestimate the numbers of Canadians opposed to this pipeline. I would agree that Harper will be removed by a caucus revolt at some point. Hoping that point is sooner than this weekend.
” . . . no end of ways a government can hassle you with “consequences” but this is a very effective one.”
Yup! I had the temerity to call one of DPW’s scams back in the late ‘60’s. Arthur Lang was minister PW, and even after awarding my project I was black listed: still am for all I care!
They ordered one of their auditors on me and, of course, he walked away, tail between his legs.
I had nothing to hide; still Canadian democracy is very porous. Something we don’t know ‘til we test it!
Let me know when we storm the barricades: arm-in-arm I’m with you all the way.
Common features descriptions of the behavior of Sociopaths.
* Glibness and Superficial Charm
* Manipulative and Cunning
They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.
* Grandiose Sense of Self
Feels entitled to certain things as “their right.”
* Pathological Lying
Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.
* Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they are accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.
The Majority wanted the a Sociopath… They got one. I went with Layton. Good luck with that…
I’m in agreement with Rafe, and with the 3 comments above. Dan, I think you may well underestimate the number of Canadians opposed to this – yes, I can certainly see BC’ers refusing to file and/or pay. Ditto for BC businesses – I think you would be very surprised tho, by the # of non-BC Canadians that are also against this pipeline.
Harper will not last for 3+ more years … this is my opinion of course. A goodly number of his backbenchers are sick of his treatment of them – as tho they were school children….. don’t be surprised to see a # of them decide to jump ship! They are already starting to chafe from those chains .. There are some damn good MP’s in the cpc – and they won’t take too much more of his ridiculous posturings. Mark my words!! 😉
If anyone is used to vindictive politicians, it’s BC. Anyone opposing Campbell lost their jobs. He was so vindictive, sick and evil, I wondered his sanity. Dirty tactics were used on the BC people, everyday by Campbell.
To expect anything better of Harper, is an exercise in futility. Of course Harper threatens, all dictators do. Don’t forget. Harper is a Reformer. He governs Canada after his, very shady, Northern Foundation Party, he founded in 1989.
However. Luis Moreno-Ocampo, has served Harper a summons for, war crimes and crimes against humanity. Harper was probably hoping Canadians would have forgotten about that.
The F.N. may do the same. They are upset by, Harper’s cruelty and negligence towards them. That’s pretty bad, when the F.N. had to call in the U.N. The Red Cross were astounded, at how terrible the conditions those F.N. people were living under. That was a terrible crime against humanity, especially in a country like Canada.
Canada has steadily gone downhill, since Harper’s majority. There have been no jobs in Canada for six months now. Harper has destroyed Canada’s good name, democracy and everything that was Canadian.
This is so true it’s scarey….just wach the Department of Fisheries strike out at the only people they can,(because of the fishfarm mess they have made) Comercial fishermen will be getting all kinds of new rules and regulations….it’s already started
I was thinking something similar the other day about taxes but it was not the threat of being audited. I was thinking that if Harper shoves this thing through our province there should be a tax revolt by EVERY SINGLE British Columbian.
Refuse to file and refuse to pay. For business here in BC, also withhold the HST payments.