DFO becoming irrelevant to fisheries management


Letter to the editor by Alexandra Morton in the Campbell River Courier-Islander.

“Your paper quotes Minister of Fisheries Gail Shea, ‘…it’s my understanding that the new regulations provide for much more transparency within the industry.’

“Well that’s nice, but our concern is not transparency ‘within’ the industry, our concern is reporting outside the industry to the public. Shea blunders on, ‘we may not get it 100 per cent right the first time…'”

Read letter


About Alexandra Morton

Alexandra Morton from her home in Echo Bay in the Broughton Archipelago, has courageously taken on both the fish farm industry and governments. Her many peer reviewed scientific accounts confirm that migrating wild smolts are being slaughtered by sea lice from fish farms. She has faced down the best propaganda efforts of the industry and government, who deny their evil acts in spite of this overwhelming scientific evidence. In addition to articles in numerous journals, she has been featured in many news publications including the New York Times.