No part of the word ‘clean’ should be used in association with LNG, as LNG is NOT clean energy. This is very clearly stated by the oil and gas industry. It is very curious that the Provincial and Federal governments are refusing to acknowledge this clear fact-based science that LNG is NOT clean energy. It is only government, not industry, that is attempting to erroneously and wrongly market LNG as clean or cleaner energy.
Governments are failing COP 21.
Courageous leadership is essential. Canadians were promised intelligent leadership and we are receiving dogmatic decisions not based upon intelligent leadership. This now must become a public discussion.
Woodfibre LNG is wrong, science and scientists report that it is wrong for the environment and acts against COP 21 goals.
The CEAA called for public comment on the GHG emissions and upstream impacts on February 9th, 2016 without notice, and ending March 1st, 2016, thus providing only 3 weeks for public comment.

In this brief period the CEAA received 9, 980 public comments. In analyzing the comments including the just short of 100 verbal presentations, there were 11 neutral, 83 written letters of support, with only a handful addressing the science, and 99.1% opposed, that is, approximately 9,800 comments of opposition with most comments addressing the GHG emissions and the upstream impacts.
Woodfibre LNG will not produce any revenue for the following reasons:
1. PST forgiveness negotiated for LNG export in BC;
2. NEB allowance for an offshore Woodfibre company for retail sales;
3. Provincial carbon tax forgiveness of 5 million tonnes;
4. Total of 32 jobs which after payroll tax paid. Province of BC will pay net to Woodfibre LNG between $200,000 to $600,000 dollars annually;
5. No tax revenue will be realized and our economy, environment, fisheries, marine and human safety will be seriously compromised as Howe Sound and its beauty are an economic driver for Canada.
The Squamish First Nation has no jurisdiction over most of Howe Sound. The peoples of Howe Sound are very concerned, as their opposition is not being heard. The Minister of Environment appears to have not reviewed the science and also to be turning her back on, or avoiding speaking or meeting with the people expressing real and serious concerns.

Woodfibre LNG is the only single cycle water exchange design among the BC LNG proposals. This is outlawed in the United States and any LNG plants with the single cycle have changed them or are on notice for change. The single cycle water exchange will damage herring roe, and thus harm the health of Howe Sound. The herring roe is drawing dolphins, who are drawing whales to Howe Sound.
Howe Sound has been in an active recovery for decades and had a significant pink salmon catch of 300,000 recently. This renewal of the fish has taken decades to accomplish following a decades-long and amazing clean up. The single cycle will also warm the water further harming spawning grounds and potentially attracting warm water primitive sea life, such as sharks. Howe Sound is a regular swimming location at Lions Bay, Porteau Cove, Bowen Island, Gambier Island, Anvil Island, Camp Potlach and is the home of many children’s camps for the Metro Vancouver region.

I implore you to reverse the Woodfibre LNG decision, with the Minister of Transport and the Minister of Fisheries advisedly and unequivocally denying permits.
The growing addiction to minimization of the environmental damage that will occur if Woodfibre LNG goes ahead, must stop. Ministers who continue to minimize rather than make courageous leadership decisions on behalf of the environment and Canada’s COP 21 goals, for the economy now and in the future, should step aside from their Cabinet posts immediately.
Brenda Broughton, MA, RCC is the former 5 term mayor of the Village of Lions Bay and Envisioner and former Charter Chair of the Howe Sound Community Forum.
They are NOT ignoring it. Past CON governments ignored these things and you and other morons kept voting for them. Go down to usa creep.
where did common sense go?
CH4 is just that, 80% Hydrogen…can’t think of anything more natural than that.
Besides screwing up the Sound and fracking the land. Will someone please write about the cost of government debt and the smack in the face to all when interest rates rise. Another one would be the never-ending building of high-rise condos and the equally sad lines of the homeless.
How can this message get out to the “dirty masses” that soak up MSM propaganda?
This is so wrong, and when there was the “town hall” meeting in Squamish-which was polite and respectful of everyone, -there was only a very few for the WoodFibre LNG. The minister sided with the Proponents! WTF? This is just wrong. LNG, fracking, pipelines, oil tankers-all wrong!
I live in the interior of BC and do not want to see it happen!
I see the negative aspects of this venture listed here – no taxes, no royalties, no jobs etc. I might add: no market.
Are there ANY benefits, however remote? If not, then what is the basis for this exercise? Just to piss off Rafe Mair?
Thank you Brenda for speaking the truth!!!
Clapping enthusiastically for this writing piece on the folly of describing LNG as a clean energy source. Thank you so much Brenda Broughton. Every paragraph is chock-a-block full of common sense with clearly written objections to the spectre of an LNG operation going forward in beautiful Howe Sound. (Or anywhere for that matter.)
Have you thought of running for premier of our province? There are many of us who would work for you.
Many thanks again.
good read ,and very well put, direct and to the point. I live in Campbell River and do not want to see this happen
The Minister of Environment is turning her back in the people with real and serious concerns…..what a familiar story. The citizens who live on and near Quesnel Lake where the massive spill of 25 million cubic meters of mine tailings flowed into our Lake are also being ignored by this Gov’t. In fact, they just recently have allowed the Mount Polley Mining Corporations to start discharging more untreated effluent into the lake and it is likely they will permit them to do this on a “forever” basis. This is a sad state of affairs and this Gov’t is actually getting away with it. Corporate donation payback???…without a doubt.