HSBC: BC Pipelines More Strategically Important than Keystone XL


Read this article from the Vancouver Sun on the president of HSBC Canada’s comments at a recent conference in BC, suggesting that oil pipelines from the Alberta Tar Sands to BC’s coast are of greater strategic importance for Canada’s energy industry than the controversial proposed Keystone XL pipeline to the US Gulf Coast.

“Citing Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s statement that U.S. approval
of the Keystone pipeline linking Alberta’s oilsands to U.S. markets is a ‘no brainer,’ HSBC president Lindsay Gordon said a pipeline to the West
Coast is more important. ‘I’m not suggesting that pipelines to
the West Coast across British Columbia are a no brainer, but I would
certainly argue in terms of the strategic importance to Canada and
B.C.’s future, they are actually significantly more important than
pipelines to the U.S., including Keystone.'” (Sept 24, 2011)
