Poll Shows British Columbians Heavily Opposed to More Oil Tanker Traffic Through Vancouver


Read this report from the Vancouver Sun on a new poll showing only 31% of British Columbians are in favour of twinning KinderMorgan’s Trans-Mountain Pipeline from the Alberta Tar Sands to tankers in Vancouver’s Burrard Inlet.

“The survey, conducted by the Mustel Group and financed out of the
office budget of Burnaby-Douglas NDP MP Kennedy Stewart, also found that
35 per cent of respondents support keeping the existing single oil
pipeline. Eleven per cent of respondents favoured removing all Trans
Mountain oil pipeline infrastructure and 22 per cent didn’t have an
opinion. ‘What seems to be front and centre in people’s minds is
that we seem to be taking all the risks without getting any of the
benefits,’ said Stewart. The newly elected MP, one of the NDP’s
natural resources critics for Western Canada, said that the twinning of
the pipeline will increase the risk of an oil spill on the south coast ‘because you will have more oil tankers and larger ones too.'” (Oct. 11, 2011)
